Entrena tu conciencia y vive una Navidad Feliz.

Titre traduit en anglais

Train your awareness and have a merry Christmas.

Film: Durée en minutes

1:16 minutes

URL du produit que vous souhaitez soumettre (http:// or https://)

Description du produit

The story unfolds during a special date (day of the candles) the familys regular December meeting when they celebrate the holiday season. The protagonist is a mother and two children who spend the day of the candles and the father who wants to be part of this family and share the day with his children. But due to a mistake he had made he is not there, generating a feeling of sadness in the family.

Objectif et finalité

Most of the accident victims haven´t had a drink. If you want to drink alcohol, don´t drive in order to enjoy your dearest ones.

Every car accident, regardless of cause, affects many people who are directly or indirectly involved. From this approach our campaign and especially this video wants to show how driving under the influence of alcohol can affect the driver, his family and in the majority of cases, those who haven´t had a drink. We also underline the feeling of sadness that occurs when missing a relative who died due to driving under the influence of alcohol.

Public cible

Man and women over 25 of age

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Liberty Seguros S.A
, Colombia-11001 Bogotá
+5713103300 www.intelygente.net

Coordonnées de la société de production

Intelygente SAS
, Colombia-11001 Bogotá
+5715209120 www.intelygente.net